Apple facts for “Eat a Red Apple Day”

Today is “Eat a Red Apple Day”, so to celebrate, PostHarvest is bringing you all the nutritional and fun facts about Apples.

Modern storage techniques make apples available all year, with peak season being in the fall. Apples are healthy, tasty, and among the most popular fruits in the world. Although they are not particularly rich in vitamins and minerals, they’re a good source of fibres and antioxidants. Apples may have several benefits, including improved heart health and a lower risk of cancer and diabetes. They may also aid in weight loss.

In honour of this wonder fruit, here are some fun and nutritional facts about the Apple.

13 Fun facts about Apples

  1. Apples contain no fat, sodium, or cholesterol and are a good source of fibre.

  2. Apple trees take four to five years to produce their first fruit.

  3. Apples ripen six to 10 times faster at room temperature than if they are refrigerated.

  4. More than 2,500 varieties of apples are grown in the United States, but only the crabapple is native to North America.

  5. Apples are a member of the rose family.

  6. The top apple producers around the world are China, United States, Turkey, Poland, and Italy. Apples account for 50 percent of international deciduous fruit tree production.

  7. It takes about 36 apples to create one gallon of apple cider.

  8. Eating apples can aid in brightening teeth.

  9. The apples you’re buying could very well be a year old.

  10. Apples are 25% air which is why they float in water.

  11. There are over 7,500 varieties of apples grown worldwide (the largest variety of fruit to exist).

  12. The most grown apple is Red Delicious, followed by Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, and Fuji.

  13. Apples can help you improve your memory.

Nutritional facts

Here are the nutrition facts for one raw, unpeeled, medium-sized apple (100 grams):

  • Calories: 52

  • Water: 86%

  • Protein: 0.3 grams

  • Carbs: 13.8 grams

  • Sugar: 10.4 grams

  • Fibre: 2.4 grams

  • Fat: 0.2 grams

Carbs in apples

Apples are mainly composed of carbs and water. They’re rich in simple sugars, such as fructose, sucrose, and glucose. Despite their high carb and sugar contents, their glycemic index (GI) is low, ranging from 29–44.

The GI is a measure of how food affects the rise in blood sugar levels after eating. Low values are associated with various health benefits. Due to their high fibre and polyphenol counts, fruits often have a low GI score.

Fibre in apples

Apples are very rich in fibre. A single medium-sized apple (100 grams) contains about 4 grams of this nutrient, which is 17% of the Daily Value (DV).

A portion of their fibre comes from insoluble and soluble fibres called pectin. Soluble fibre is associated with numerous health benefits, partly because it feeds the friendly bacteria in your gut.

fibre may also help improve fullness and cause weight loss while lowering blood sugar levels and boosting digestive function.

Vitamins and minerals

Apples boast many vitamins and minerals, though not in high amounts. However, apples are usually a good source of vitamin C.

  • Vitamin C. Also called ascorbic acid, this vitamin is a common antioxidant in fruits. It’s an essential dietary nutrient that has many important functions in your body.

  • Potassium. The main mineral in apples, potassium may benefit heart health when consumed in high amounts.


There is less than 1/2 gram of fat per medium-sized apple.

Adverse Effects

Although fresh apples are beneficial for asthma, dried apples may contain sulphites which worsen asthma symptoms in sensitised individuals.

If you aren't used to eating a lot of fibre, a sudden increase in apple intake can cause digestive discomfort. To avoid this issue, make dietary changes gradually. Furthermore, if you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and are sensitive to certain fruit sugars, apples may be a trigger. Apples are high in fruit sugars, called FODMAPs, which cause issues for some individuals. See a dietitian to determine the best course of action for managing your symptoms.

Apples and weight loss

Apples are a satisfying and nutritious snack that can help reduce cravings and manage appetite. Their high fibre and low-calorie contents make Apples a weight-loss-friendly food. Thus, eating apples may reduce your daily calorie intake and promote long-term weight loss.

In one 12-week study, women who were instructed to eat 1.5 large apples (300 grams) per day lost 1.3 kg (2.9 pounds) over the course of the study.

For this reason, this fruit may be a useful addition to a weight loss diet, especially if eaten between or before meals.

Choosing a fresh apple over processed snack foods is a great way to boost vitamin intake and reap the filling effects of soluble fibre. The high water content in apples also means you can have a large portion without overdoing it on calories.

Blood cholesterol and heart disease

Several studies have examined apples’ effects on risk factors for heart disease.

A hamster study suggested that apples can reduce total cholesterol levels and lead to drastic reductions of 48% in plaque buildup inside the arteries.

A human study in Finland showed that those who consumed more than 1.9 ounces (54 grams) of apples per day were at a significantly lower risk of developing heart disease.

Specifically, the risk of dying from heart disease was 43% lower in women and 19% in men.

Fruits and vegetables are the mainstays of a heart-healthy eating plan. Naturally low in sodium and high in potassium, plant foods prevent dangerous elevations in blood pressure. Whole apples are a good source of fibre, which is known to lower cholesterol levels. In addition, apples provide numerous anti-inflammatory compounds that reduce the overall risk of heart disease.


Many test-tube and animal studies suggest that apple phytonutrients can protect against cancers of the lungs and colon. Potential evidence exists from studies in people as well. One study indicated that those who consumed 1 or more apples per day were at a lower risk of cancer, including a 20% and 18% lower risk of colorectal and breast cancers, respectively.

So there you have it, some fun and informative facts surrounding the Apple on its Nationally recognised day, If you want to eat healthy, apples are an excellent choice.


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