If you've been wondering whether rockmelons (cantaloupes) are too sweet to be good for you, you'll be happy to learn that these "muskmelons" provide several health benefits. Rockmelon is high in several nutrients and also contains a large volume of water (about 90%). Eating rockmelon is a good way to aid in hydration and fulfil your fluid requirements. Here's what else this yummy summertime fruit has to offer.

Rockmelon Nutrition Facts

This nutrition information is provided by the USDA for 1 cup (177g) of raw rockmelon balls.

Calories: 60

Fat: 0.3g

Sodium: 28mg

Carbohydrates: 14.4g

Fibre: 1.6g

Sugars: 14g

Protein: 1.5g


A cup of fresh rockmelon has about 60 calories which come primarily from carbohydrates. There are 14.4 grams of total carbohydrates with 1.6 grams of fibre and about 14 grams of natural sugar. The fibre in rockmelon is mostly insoluble, but it contains some soluble fibre as well.

Because of its natural sugar content, rockmelon has a glycemic index of 65. Its glycemic load is only 4, however, due to rockmelon's high water percentage.


Like most fruit, there is almost no fat in rockmelon.


Rockmelon provides a small amount of protein with 1.5 grams per cup, however, it's not a significant source of protein.

Vitamins and Minerals

Rockmelon provides potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamins C, A, and B9 (folate).

Health Benefits

Rockmelon has many proven health benefits related to its antioxidant power, electrolytes, and water content.

Prevents Dehydration

Aside from drinking enough water, high-water fruits like rockmelon can help you stay hydrated. Because rockmelon contains over 90% water, it makes a great snack on a hot day. It's also a good source of the electrolyte, potassium.

The easiest way to figure out if you're properly hydrated is by checking the colour of your urine. It should be pale yellow. Dark yellow or amber-coloured urine may indicate dehydration.

Supports Eye Health

Rockmelon is a top food for eye health due to its beta carotene content. The same vitamins that give carrots their orange colour are also responsible for the colour and benefits of rockmelon. In addition to beta carotene, rockmelon also contains lutein and zeaxanthin, two forms of vitamin A known to prevent age-related macular degeneration. Incorporating rockmelon into your meal plan provides key nutrition for your eyes.

May Help Reduce Cancer Risk

Extract from rockmelon residue has been shown to prevent the growth of human tumour cells. Rockmelon's high antioxidant activity helps scavenge free radicals before they cause damage. Cancer of the kidneys, colon, and adenoids have all been studied with promising results.

Helps Heal Sunburns

Melon provides photoprotective effects when ingested or applied topically to the skin. When placed on sunburned skin, melon extract increases antioxidant activity, reducing sunburned cells and boosting melanin levels. Although eating rockmelon doesn't replace the need for sun protection, it may give your body some extra help when healing from sunburns.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Like many fruits, rockmelon is naturally low in sodium and high in potassium, with 1 cup of rockmelon balls offering 473 milligrams of potassium. Their combination of high potassium and low sodium is effective at reducing high blood pressure. Rockmelon is a heart-healthy choice that keeps blood pressure down and reduces the risk of stroke.


People with oral allergy syndrome (OAS) may have a reaction when exposed to rockmelon, especially if the person is also allergic to grasses. Symptoms may include itchiness or swelling of the mouth, face, lip, tongue, and throat and in more severe cases, difficulty breathing or swallowing.

If you suspect that you are allergic to rockmelon or have OAS, seek the care of a qualified healthcare professional. Diagnosis may include skin testing, blood tests, and a review of your symptoms.


There are two main varieties of rockmelon: North American rockmelon and European rockmelon. Both varieties are orange inside with a similar taste. The main difference is the outside pattern on the rind. North American rockmelon has a net-like pattern while European rockmelon is lightly ribbed.

rockmelon seeds are edible and popular in the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America. You can find fresh rockmelon sold whole, sliced, or cut into spheres with a melon-baller.

When It's Best

Picking the perfect rockmelon is somewhat of an art form. You can either purchase a ripe rockmelon for immediate use, or one that needs to ripen at home.

If you are looking for a ripe rockmelon, you should search for three things:

Colour: The skin under the mesh should be a light orange or cream colour. Green indicates an unripe fruit.

Stem end: The end of the rockmelon that had the stem should have a smooth, rounded scar. You want to find the indentation, an indication that the fruit was picked when it was ripe.

Blossom end: The other side of the rockmelon is the blossom end. Smell this part, it should be fragrant and when you press on it, it will "give" slightly. If it is rock hard with very little smell, it's probably unripe.

A rockmelon will continue to ripen for a few days after it is picked. If it is still hard and has very little fragrance, the flavour may be disappointing. Avoid melons that contain nicks or other damage. This is usually a sign that it is a host for bacteria. If you purchase a melon that is not fully ripe, store it at room temperature for a couple of days.

Storage and Food Safety

It's important to wash the rockmelon prior to cutting into it. Use tap water and a vegetable brush. It is not recommended to wash melons with soap. The skin is porous and soap can enter the flesh of the fruit.

Rockmelons are grown close to the ground and can come into contact with bacteria from the soil, water, and animals. This is a food safety concern. Not only can environmental factors play a role in contamination, but human contamination can also occur during or after harvest. Washing the exterior of the melon helps to remove any bacteria.

After washing, blot the melon with a clean paper towel to remove excess water. Then cut off the stem end, which is where most of the bacteria tend to collect and throw it away. Wash the knife after cutting rockmelon and before using it on other foods as bacteria can spread to other foods through cross-contamination.

Once cut, store melon in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. If possible, store it in the crisper. Keep in mind that the riper the melon, the less shelf life it has left before it will spoil. Leaving cut melon at room temperature or in the heat can lead to the rapid growth of harmful bacteria on the flesh.

If you'd like to keep melon for longer, you can cut ripe melon and store it in the freezer in a freezer bag or airtight container.

How to Prepare

Rockmelon is a rich-looking fruit that can be used as a garnish, in salads, or eaten as is. It's great when paired with salty foods such as cheese or used to top yogurt or cottage cheese. Play with the versatility of rockmelon while enjoying its nutritional benefits and juicy sweetness.