Employees come in contact with fresh-cut produce many times during processing and should be trained in safe food handling. This is because humans are often the vectors involved in the spread of disease like the common cold or even foodborne illness. Employees may transfer foodborne illness-causing microorganisms to fresh produce at various points in processing operations such as;
Receiving raw ingredients
Raw material warehousing and cold storage
Unloading raw ingredients from field containers
Preparing product for machine cutting
Peeling or trimming before machine cutting
Mixing or blending produce medleys
Placing fresh-cut products into their primary container, bags or rigid containers
Warehousing finished products
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) emphasise the need for adequate employee training in proper food handling, hand washing and food protection. Strict adherence to GMPs is important, an employee should have the knowledge and understanding to carry out their responsibilities properly. Training should cover the dangers of insanitary practices and poor personal cleanliness and how these practices can lead to consumer and employee illnesses. Adequate training of employees is everyone's responsibility and should be assigned to competent supervisory personnel. GMPs and good employee hygiene practices should be followed each step of the way by everyone including forklift operators, management and visitors to the plant to reduce the chances of spreading foodborne illnesses.